Join the 10 Day Challenge!

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STEP 1: Pick a category. 

Leadership, Community or ENVIRONMENT



AND TAKE ACTION In the Next 10 Days!


We’ll give you all the details via email about how to connect and share your experiences! 


Taking care of others starts with you. Are you running around like a chicken with your head cut off?

It’s hard to be an empowered, ethical values-driven leader when this is the case. In this 10 Day Challenge take time to cultivate silence and stillness daily and in longer blocks of time when needed. When you can be still with yourself just as you are, you are making immense progress toward leadership. 

Remember you are a human being not a human doing! Even know we want to get things done! 

Stillness – whether that is via meditation, mindful walking or journaling or just deep breathing for 2 – 30 minutes a day will help you become calmer, more centered and comfortable in your own skin and allow you the courage to make great strides in your leadership abilities.

In this challenge, we will share ways to help you grow your ability to explore your own intuition and experience the true joys of the day and begin to plan out your longer-term visions.

We will explore:

1. Strategies to determine where put your energies

2. Where you can make the most positive impact

 3. Explore what feels GREAT to you. 

Because where you place your energy matters!


Explore or try something new.
Step outside your comfort zone. Everything you learn can be used to power up your leadership skills. 
Take yourself out to dinner or to a talk or presentation alone, have a few random chats with those in attendance and explore what it feels like to be in your own good company and journal about it afterward.

Learn Something.
Surf, backpack, climb, take an art class, try a new food.

Find out about your local leaders and what causes they are passionate about.

Write something.
Keep it to yourself or share it with a friend, a writing group or the world. Your ideas matter. Yep it can be a little scary. But what if you just stay your smallest most tiny version of yourself? Does that feel better.. Nah.. I didn’t think so.

What type of “seeds” can you plant that can be fruitful weeks, months and years down the road?


1. Join our team for a leadership workshop or retreat to take your skills, confidence and network to the next level.

Now enrolling for online and in-person programs and events in the fall.

2. Be the change you want to see on your your own block as a Block Leader.
Learn more about becoming a “Cool Block Leader” in Santa Barbara or an “at large” block. Learn how you can help create a more empowered, disaster and energy resilient, environmentally sustainable and livable block, right on the block where you live. (Watch this video for more details.)



Plant a Tree – as part of the 1 Million Trees Campaign! Plant a tree yourself or pick and organization group of your choice and plant a tree.) (

 Commit to reducing your impact on the earth’s resources by refusing to buy anything not in reusable packaging during this 10-day challenge. 

(We know this is this is SO hard, so making any effort here is a big step in the right direction! Report out on what challenges you had and how your experience was!)

Tips for the above challenge:

  • Bring your own small cup, bowl, utensils or bottle in a backpack or bag
  • Go to your local farmers market or store that you can buy grain and your regular items in bulk instead of all that regular packaging
  • Connect with friends and commit to cook for each other

 What creative ways can you make this possible!

Save and donate items you can’t recycle easily to places that can use them.

Ie: Art from Scrap & Explore Ecology and Summer Solstice Celebration turn your discarded items into art! Research where you can make donations in your community! 

Have friends over for a clothing exchange and donate any remaining items to your local thrift store that supports a cause you resonate with. 

To take this challenge up a notch – schedule a few hours with friends to have a “repair cafe” to sew, fix or create artful alterations to your clothing or items to make them come to life again!

Walk, Bike, Carpool, Scooter, Skateboard or Take the Bus or meet virtually via Zoom video conferencing instead of meeting in person!
Haven’t tried Zoom? Zoom or a similar online video conferencing can save you time, energy and reduce your carbon footprint and travel expense and connect people in one place from all over the world! Zoom can also record a meeting for those who didn’t attend so you can share your fantastic insights with them after via a video link!

Visit your local bike shop see an example here and learn how to fix up your bike or buy yourself a “new to you” bike that is in good shape


Connecting with the people around us and creating community is one of the most beautiful ways we can celebrate being alive.


Answer one or several of these question and shoot our team a note with your answers, your name and photo and or a video to [email protected]

  • How do you see yourself contributing to your community over your life-time?
  • How do you want to look back on your life and be proud of having contributed?
  • How will you take one step toward this vision today?